Futu Trustee – Gold Sponsor of STEP Asia Conference 2022
2022-09-23 公司動態
2022-09-23 公司動態

Futu Trustee, a wholly owned subsidiary of Futu Holdings Limited (Nasdaq: FUTU), recently announced that it has become a Gold Sponsor of STEP 2022 Asia Conference, organized by the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners, an accredited international professional organization for trust advisors and practitioners.


The committed premium sponsorship illustrates Futu Trustee's strategic position to increase its presence in Asia to provide customized trust and family office services with the objective to offer one-stop wealth planning and asset protection solutions to high-net-worth individuals and families.


After two years of virtual meetings, the STEP Asia Conference resumes face to face event in Singapore on 15-16 November 2022. The theme of this year is "The future of estate planning: Reshaping strategies for a disrupted world".


Come and meet our advisors at the Conference for more insight about wealth protection and intergenerational succession.


For more information about the Conference, please click here.


About Futu Trustee

Futu Trustee Limited and Futu Trustee (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (collectively "Futu Trustee") provide one-stop wealth management solutions for corporate clients and high net worth individuals and families, and revolutionizes service delivery for ESOP Trust Administration, Family Trust and Family Office through the means of information technology. Futu Trustee possesses a team of industry veterans from world-class independent trust companies, banking, accounting, family offices, taxation and compliance advisory background and as such enables the company to provide full-fledged of trust services.


Futu Trustee Limited is a trust company registered under the Trustee Ordinance (Chapter 29 of Laws of Hong Kong) and holds a Trust and Company Service Provider License (No. TC006475) pursuant to the Hong Kong Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Ordinance (Chapter 615).


Futu Trustee (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. is a Singapore company licensed and incorporated under the Trust Companies Act, and has obtained the Trust Business License (No. TC000074) issued by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

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+852 2301 8918




中國香港: 受香港證監會監管的持牌法團(中央編號:AZT137), 持有證券交易牌照(第1類)、期貨合約交易牌照(第2類)、槓桿式外匯交易牌照(第3類)、就證券提供意見牌照(第4類)、就期貨合約提供意見牌照(第5類)、 提供自動化交易服務牌照(第7類)、提供資產管理牌照(第9類);持有強積金中介人牌照; 是聯交所參與者、香港結算參與者、中華通交易所參與者、中華通結算參與者、股票期權交易所參與者、聯交所期權結算所參與者、期交所期貨交易商、期貨結算所參與者。

歐洲: 是倫敦證券交易所會員、綠寶石交易平台會員。






Moomoo Financial Inc.


Futu Clearing Inc.


Futu Wealth Advisors Inc.


Futu Futures Inc.

在美國全國期貨協會(NFA)註冊的公司(註冊編號NAF ID:0523957),擁有美國期貨牌照,受美國全國期貨協會(NFA)及美國商品期貨委員會(CFTC)監管。

Moomoo Financial Singapore Pte. Ltd.

在新加坡金管局(MAS)註冊的持牌主體(牌照編號:CMS101000),持有資本市場服務牌照(CMS),持有財務顧問豁免(Exempt Financial Adviser)資格。同時,獲得新加坡證券交易所(SGX)全部會員資格,分別為:新加坡交易所證券交易會員、新加坡交易所中央存托結算會員、新加坡交易所衍生品交易會員、新加坡交易所衍生品清算會員、新加坡交易所中央存托託管會員。

Moomoo Trustee (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

在新加坡金管局(MAS)註冊的持牌主體(牌照編號:No.TC000074),持有信託業務牌照(Trust Business Licence)。

Moomoo Securities Australia Ltd


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